Baltimore Maryland Employment Discrimination Lawyer Andrew Dansicker Home
Contact Maryland Employment Attorney Andrew Dansicker
Our jobs frequently define who we are, provide us with a sense of self-worth and give us a sense of value in our lives. Perhaps that is why being unfairly fired from a job, or being mistreated by an employer, or being discriminated against or harassed by a supervisor or coworker, often leads to anger, frustration and depression. Unfortunately, being treated unfairly or wrongly is not against the law; however, if you have been subjected to job discrimination or sexual harassment, if you have not been allowed to take family or medical leave or been fired because you took leave, if you are not being paid wages, overtime, bonuses or commissions you are entitled to, if your employment contract is not being honored, if you are not being provided with reasonable accommodations for a medical condition, then you need an aggressive, intelligent, effective attorney who is willing to fight for your rights and will be responsive to your needs. That is the fundamental goal and promise of the Law Office of Andrew M. Dansicker, LLC. Call us today at 410-771-5668 or contact us online to find out how we can help.
Recent Maryland Unemployment Law Trends and Observations After a mid-Summer lull in unemployment appeals cases, our phone has been ringing off the hook for the past several weeks. Lots of cases where ....
Severance Pay and Unemployment In Maryland One of the most common questions that we have been receiving lately has to do with whether a person can obtain unemployment benefits if they are also ....
Does EEOC/MCHR Mediation Work? We frequently receive calls from persons trying to figure out whether they should agree to mediate their discrimination or sexual harassment claims at ....