Sunday School and Childcare avaiable during both services
Advent and Christmas At Ark and Dove
Advent begins Sunday, November 28th. There will be Evening Worship Services at 7:30pm on December 1st, 8th and 15th. These will be contemplative worship services.
On Sunday, December 12th there will be an Advent Potluck Supper for all at 5:30pm
Our Children's Christmas Pageant will be performed during the 11:00 worship service on Sunday, December 19th. They will have special Saturday Practices from 10am-12pm on the 11th and the 18th.
There are Advent Devotions Booklets available now in the Church lobby. They contain devotions and prayers for each day of Advent.
Christmas Eve Worship will consist of three Worship Services: 4:30pm designed for those with small children, 6:00ppm with music by the Contemporary Band and 8:00pm with music by the Adult Choir.
Recent Sermons: October 17 - The Persistent Steward; October 3 - May Peace Prevail; September 26 - More Than Enough; September 19 - Prayer For Everyone; August 22 - Live With It!; August 15 - Jail Birds; July 25 - Not In the Earthquake; July 18 - Martha and Mary; June 27 - Michelle Hwang Ordination and Installation; May 30 - Assessing Suffering; May 9 - Your Servant is Listening; May 2 - Pigs In a Blanket; Apr 18 - Rip Snorting Reprobate; Apr 11 - Easter Justice; Apr 4 - Alive In Christ; Mar 7 - Unction Umbrage; Feb 28 - Stand Off;
Ribbons for Remembrance - Visit our project to honor the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who have lost their lives in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.Environmental Stewardship - Check out this page, recently updated by Joe and Tricia Gray. It's a treasure trove of information to help you consider how you can incorporate environmentally friendly choices into your lifestyle. See the new Ark and Dove Green Blog!