Click the above picture to view today's daily devotional or the picture below for the daily reflection
Upper Room Daily Reflections
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Centreville Youth Ministries (CYM) Middle School Group Grades 6th to 8th
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Centreville Youth Ministries (CYM) High School Group Grades 9th to 12th
Have you been called by God for service?
How you can answer God's call by serving in or out of a local church.
GBHEM (General Board of Higher Education & Ministry) leads and serves The United Methodist Church in educating, nurturing, and preparing leaders for the church and the world.
Our mission is to make disciples for Jesus Christ!
Welcome To Centreville United Methodist Church
Centreville United Methodist Church strives to be a Christian Fellowship where Jesus is Lord and the Gospel is proclaimed. We welcome all who seek the love of Christ in their lives. We will nurture all through spirit- led ministries of worship, teaching, caring, and support.
The Church on the Hill - Centreville United Methodist Church
Please Scroll Down Page To See Entire Content
for a more thorough list of events and happenings at
Centreville united Methodist church
click the picture or link below to view our
Scheduled Dates are November 9th to 13th
Come one come all and participate in our dynamic Sunday School where the word of Christ is taught.
NOVEMBER 2010 Newsletter - The Messenger
(Click Photo Above or Visit The Newsletter - Messenger Page for this months and past issues)
What's Happening at CUMC This Week.......
Thank you for participating in this important mission.
2010 Nursery Attendant Schedule
for a look at the weekly nursery attendant schedule for the 8:45 & 10:00 AM services at
Please help continue to support the CUMC Food Pantry.
Our NEW hours will be from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Volunteers are needed. Please call the church office if you can help.
We are asking for non-perishable donations.
All canned items must be free of dents and current in expiration dates.
Thank you in advance for your help in the worthwhile cause that CUMC supports.
The Samaritan Fund continues to be in need of gifts. If you would like to contribute to this community outreach for persons in need, checks may be made out to CUMC, with a notation to "Samaritan Fund".
Would You Like To Become A Member OF CUMC?
We welcome you and would love to have you!
Do you want to become a member of our church?
Have you been praying about joining this exciting and ever increasing ministry?
Are you new to the area and want to transfer your membership?
If the answer is Yes to any of these questions then take a moment and complete the information in the flyer below (click on the flyer below, print, and complete). Please complete the information below and give to the Church Office prior to either of the classes beginning. Membership Classes are held in September and January each year. Our next classes will begin Sunday, September 12, 2010. For more information or questions please feel free to contact the Church Office, or Pastor Mark:
Office 410-758-0868, or email -
Click on the above image and download the CUMC Membership Information Form as a PDF.
Above you will find two electronic versions of the Holy Bible; the Holy Bible - New International Version and the Holy Bible - King James Version. Click on the Name or Photo Above of the version you would like to view. For additional information on the Bible and four ways of how it can be used, visit the Library page of the CUMC website by clicking the following link:
Centreville UMC Library
If you are reading this, then you are aware the Centreville United Methodist Church has a website! It is important that we keep the information on the website updated. If you are a member of the church, church community, or a group within the church, please send us your information so that it can get posted. The website is the most efficient way for our members to find out what is going on within the Church and Community. Help us keep everyone informed!
Any information that you would like posted on the website should be sent to or you can fax it to the attention of Jerry Thomas at (866) 898-6748.
For additional information on Upcoming Events
Please visit the Current Events Page of this website!
Click On The Image Above To The Conference News
CUMC Is A Member of the Easton District